Our Products

Kichawi Kill is a bioherbicide made from natural ingredients, ensuring it is friendly to the environment and ecosystem at large. It offers a sustainable solution to weed control, reducing the dependence on harmful chemical herbicides, and promoting environmentally friendly agricultural practices.
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Kichawi Kill 80g

Used to treat 10kg Seed estimated to cover 1 acre of a maize farm

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Kichawi Kill 40g

Used to treat 5kg Seed estimated to cover 0.5 acre of a maize farm

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Kichawi Kill 16g

Used to treat 2kg Seed estimated to cover 0.2 acre of a maize farm

About Us.
Toothpick Company Limited was founded in 2017 as a social enterprise. We are a pioneering force in agricultural innovation based in Kenya. We specialize in revolutionizing maize farming through our groundbreaking bio herbicide technology, Kichawi Kill, designed to combat the pervasive Striga weed.

Kichawi Kill is our flagship bio herbicide technology tailored to eradicate Striga weed, a notorious threat to maize crops in Western Kenya. Developed through extensive research and field trials, Kichawi Kill offers a safe and efficient alternative to traditional herbicides, ensuring minimal impact on the environment and human health.

We work closely with local communities, agricultural experts, and governmental bodies to promote knowledge sharing and adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. By fostering partnerships, we aim to create lasting impacts on rural livelihoods and agricultural sustainability.

Our Commitment is to provide biocontrol solutions that solves food production challenges to alleviate hunger through improved crop yield, farm productivity and profitability.


To effectively, safely and affordably create and promote market driven bio control solutions for improved productivity for small holder farmers

Core Values

* Driven by Innovation
* Caring for our customers
* Focusing on Impact and Results
* Accountable to our stakeholders
* Excellence through integrity
* Growing through collaborations
* Caring for our customers and the environment’


With Kenya as the testing ground, we are gearing up to spread our eco-friendly solution to over 20 African countries plagued by the Striga weed menace.

Kichawi Chronicles

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Kenya Pilot Program Success

Exciting results from the Kichawi Kill pilot program in Kenya show a 90% reduction in Striga weed infestations!

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Expanding to other African Striga- infested countries’

Toothpick Company Limited gears up to introduce Kichawi Kill to over 20 African countries battling the dreaded Striga weed!

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Revolutionizing Agriculture

Witness the agricultural revolution as Kichawi Kill transforms maize farming in Africa, one field at a time!

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Breaking Witch Weed's Spell

Say goodbye to the curse of Witch weed with Kichawi Kill's potent formula, changing the game for maize farmers everywhere!


"Kichawi Kill is a game-changer! Bye-bye Striga weed!"

Everlyne Wafula - Bungoma

"Unbelievable results with Kichawi Kill, saved my maize farm!"

Veronica - Kisumu

"Kichawi Kill is pure magic, Striga weed vanished 

Phyllis Olendo - Busia

The Amazing Kichawi Kill

Toothpick Staff 

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Collins Obonyo
Sales & Marketing
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Lilian Nkatha
Admin & Finance
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Loise Kioko
Research Scientist
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John Odenge
Agribusiness Advisor
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Dorcas Kemboi
General Manager
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Dr. Peter Lüth
Co-Founder, Board Chair
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Co-Founder, Director
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Co-founder, chief scientist

In Proud Partnership with

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©  Toothpick Company Ltd 2024

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